Cardio Family Gym

Time: 2020-4-21 14:43:29    From: Lucksunny Health Technology Co., Ltd



For most people, a 30-minute private sauna can sweat 500-800 ml.
According to research by medical experts, each row of 500 ml of sweat requires 300 calories of calories, which is equivalent to aerobic exercise for 10 kilometers of jogging.
Oxygen is a key substance for the human body to carry out metabolism, and it is the first need for human life activities. The breathing oxygen is converted into available oxygen in the body, called blood oxygen. The blood carries blood oxygen to the cells of the whole body, and the concentration of blood oxygen to the heart and brain and the whole body increases, the better the operating state of the important organs of the human body.


Aerobic exercise refers to physical exercise performed by the human body with sufficient oxygen supply. That is, during exercise, the oxygen inhaled by the human body is equal to the demand and reaches a physiological balance.
The high temperature of the traditional sauna is stifling, and the steam as high as 80 ¡æ or more can easily make people breathe in a state of hypoxia.
 The Lucksunny full-spectrum sauna, incorporating leading health technologies, uses different light and heat materials that are easily absorbed by the human body, simulating the far, medium, and near infrared rays and seven-color visible light in the sun, causing the human body to generate internal heat in a low-temperature environment and sweat a lot , Foot oxygen breathing, dripping freely. The sauna is equipped with a negative ion oxygen bar and high-end audio to create fresh air and natural music in the forest. The heat consumed by a 30-minute private sauna is equivalent to 1 hour of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, which is equivalent to your happiness in the forest. Hiking helps to eliminate stress and fatigue for each day.
The private sauna is made of Canadian high-quality logs, elegant and luxurious. If you have such a small "sun room" at home, you can feel the joy of aerobic exercise, the happiness of healthy taste, and the joy of life without leaving home.

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